The semester has now wound down at Boston University, and I'm gearing up for the summer's intensive teaching. June 25-29 I'll be teaching Producing the Documentary, a weeklong course at the end of MassArt's Summer Film School - which is a great set of courses for anyone wanting to dive into filmmaking.
Then in July I head up to Rockport, Maine, for my first time teaching at the renowned Maine Media Workshops. My class runs July 8-14 and is called Storytelling with Canon HDSLRs (note product sponsorship!). We'll be exploring non-fiction storytelling through the beautiful, and affordable, magic of the DSLR camera and Zoom audio recorders.
I'm especially looking forward to a collaborative workshop I'm giving at MassArt over the course of two weekends (July 6-21). It's called 2 Weeks + 1 Word = A FILM. Class members will together brainstorm a single word as the inspiration point for a film they will make together in the course of two weeks. Bring it on!