This year I had fifteen students in my Production I class at BU. It's tons of work for the students - learning all about using DSLR cameras, recording sound, editing on the Avid, and of course the art of storytelling. So it's immensely satisfying to have a public showing of their work at the end of the semester.
Last Friday my students all showed their films, and I was very impressed with what they came up with in such a short time. Then on Tuesday we had a course-wide Production I screening, with three films from each of the six sections presenting. Tonight at 7pm the graduate students in Production 2 will be showing their films in COM 101, 640 Commonwealth Ave., Boston - come along if you are interested!
Above is a film by my student Michelle Orozco. I really liked how she handled the flashback scenes: something that can be hard to pull off well and is sometimes overused. But it worked beautifully here!